Medical Seminar in Israel

MESSILA is a Leading Israeli company of specialists in the fields of “critical to start-up success”, Entrepreneurship, Biomedical Accelerator, Health Care & Innovation.

MESSILA Health Care is organizing courses, seminars, workshops and observation programs in leading medical centers in Israel.

The goal is to transfer and share medical and administrative expertise of high standard healthcare services to other healthcare providers from around the world, by experienced surgeons and leading medical directors from the Israeli healthcare system.

Through a variety of courses in different fields and tracks, and with the understanding that the allotted training time is limited, the programs are structured, focused and practical. At the end of every course or training program the students will be granted a certificate from the medical center.

Visits to cutting edge medical startup companies, can be added per demand.

1. Health Institutions Management for Hospital Directors and Chief Doctors

The Goal: To impart to participants advanced multidisciplinary knowledge of hospital management, and to broaden general knowledge about Israel’s health care system.

Target Population: Senior administrative staff of hospitals and clinics.

2. Nursing Management

The Goal: To provide participants, the senior nursing staff, with the managerial and administrative skills required to manage the nursing care system in hospitals.

Target Population: Members of the senior nursing management team

3. Preparation of the Administrative Team for JCI Accreditation Examination

The Goal: To train the management teams to spearhead the process of preparing the hospital to receive accreditation. The proposed program is only the first stage on the way towards entering the process (a review of the foreign hospital is critical for adapting the processes and procedures to comply with JCI requirements).

Target Population: The course is designed for the senior management ranks of general hospitals (doctors, nurses, administrators and senior logistics managers) - heads of divisions, head nurses, department managers, etc. The accreditation project is managed by the hospital management and is largely spearheaded by the nursing department.

4. Hospital Planning and Construction

The Goal: To train the management teams to spearhead the process of establishing a new hospital or medical center.

Target Population: Hospital directors, project managers and entrepreneurs.

5. Advanced Information Systems Management in Hospitals

The Goal: To update information systems managers in medical organizations regarding the advanced management infrastructures used in hospitals and HMOs.

Target Population: IT Information systems managers in hospitals or clinics - current or in progress of being set up.

6. Advanced Reproductive Technologies – IVF

The Goal: Advanced course focusing on the innovations and advanced technologies of In-vitro Fertilization that incorporates practical and clinical knowledge of top experts.

Target Population:Gynecologists from around the world (including the West) specialists in fertility and IVF. A program can be created for two levels: residents or specialists.

7. HANDS-ON Embryology Workshop in the IVF Laboratory

Two weeks hands-on training program for entry-level embryologist in the IVF lab.

The Goal: To provide the participants with the skills required to work in an IVF unit.

Target Population: Beginning embryologists.

8. Breast Medicine – Multidisciplinary Course

The Goal: To provide participants with extensive knowledge of all aspects of breast health and treatment of breast patients.

Target Population: Specialists in breast surgery, specialists in plastic surgery of the breast, gynecologists and breast clinic directors.

9. Gynecology - Multidisciplinary Course

The Goal: To provide participants, gynecologists, with extensive knowledge of the advanced technologies and work methods involved in gynecological surgery, robotic surgery, Gyneco-Oncology, Onco-Gynecology, Cervix, genetics, In-Vitro Fertilization, gynecological imaging, etc.

Target Population: Senior gynecologists from abroad

10. Microsurgery of Peripheral Nerves & Brachial Plexus and Brain Neurosurgery

The Goal: To provide the participants with extensive knowledge and clinical experience in advanced surgical methods for peripheral nerves, in conjunction with other experts in plastic surgery, orthopedics, oncology and others.

Target Population: Senior neurosurgeons.

11. Innovations in ENT Surgery

The Goal: To provide the participants with extensive knowledge in a range of fields in ENT.

Target Population: ENT Surgeons in all super-specialties.

12. Advances in Cardiac Surgery

The Goal: To provide participants with extensive knowledge of advanced methods in cardiac surgery, including references to cardiac diagnosis and treatment if necessary.

Target Population: Senior cardiovascular surgeons.

13. Cardiology and Advances in Nuclear Imaging

The Goal: To provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to manage a cardiac diagnosis using advanced methods.

Target Population: Cardiologists and radiologists involved in cardiac diagnosis.

14. Orthopedics - Joint Replacement (Academic - Hands-on Combined)

The Goal: To provide participants with knowledge of advanced surgical techniques involved in hip and knee replacements, combined with a unique approach to patient preparation in order to achieve shorter hospitalization and to improve satisfaction.

Target Population:Orthopedists who specialize in joint replacement.

15. Anesthesiology& Intensive Care

The Goal: To provide participants with knowledge of advanced management methods in anesthesiology and intensive care.

Target Population: Physicians who specialize in anesthesiology and intensive care.

16. Dialysis for Nurses

The Goal: To provide participants with knowledge of advanced treatment methods in hemodialysis.

Target Population: Registered Nurses.

17. Chronic Pain Management

The Goal: To provide participants with updated knowledge and tools to cope with chronic and acute patients who suffer from pain due to incurable diseases.

Target Population: Pain management physicians, oncologists

18. Internal Medicine

The Goal: To provide extensive and multidisciplinary conceptual knowledge in advanced internal medicine.

Target Population: Internal medicine physicians and directors of hospitals and clinics in the community.

19. Bariatrics - Multidisciplinary Approach to Obesity

The Goal: To provide participants with knowledge of advanced surgical and therapeutic methods in bariatrics (obesity), using a multidisciplinary approach.

Target Population: General surgeons in the field of obesity.

20. Urology - Male Fertility and Microsurgery

The Goal: To provide participants with knowledge of advanced microsurgical methods and observation of surgeries.

Target Population: Urology Surgery Specialists.

21. Gastroenterology and Hepatology – Multidisciplinary Course

The Goal: To provide participants with extensive knowledge of innovations in gastrointestinal diseases and hepatology, and in new technological developments in gastroenterology medicine.

Target Population: Gastroenterologists and primary physicians.


Various costume made touristic & religious programs can be added by request, to Israel (Holy land), Jordan and Egypt.


Example of Day tours in Israel:

Jerusalem – Mt. of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Old City, Via Dolorosa, Western Wall, Mt. Zion.

Jerusalem & Bethlehem - Mt. of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Old City, Via Dolorosa, Nativity Church, Shepherds Field.

Masada & Dead Sea – Herod’s fortress and world heritage site, swim at the Dead Sea.

Dead Sea – Floating experience, spa and relaxation.

Biblical Galilee – Mt. Beatitudes, Capernaum, Tabgha, Yardenit baptismal site, Sea of Galilee, Nazareth & Cana.

Western Galilee &Coast line – Caesarea National park, Haifa, Bahai Gardens, Acre.

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